We believe in a multidisciplinary approach to helping our patients reach their goals and potential. We work closely with teachers and health professionals around the area.
Some of the professionals we work with include teachers, occupational therapists, neurologists, physical therapists, speech therapists, child psychologists, naturopathic doctors, medical doctors, optometrists, and ophthalmologists.
Below you will find some resources that will help you identify a child/patient who has a vision problem and how to find an optometrist nearby that can address the issue.
Observable Signs of a Vision Problem www.familyoptometry.net/forms/SignsVision.pdf
Educator's Checklist of Classroom Vision Problems www.familyoptometry.net/forms/EducatorChecklist.pdf
Referral Form for Optometrists and other Health Care Providers www.familyoptometry.net/forms/referral%20form.pdf